Time has flown over the last few months so I wanted to give you a quick update on what I've been up to.
I'm delighted to be involved in the NW Libraries' Perfect Places project. The project features twelve poems by twelve poets, each associated with a place in the North West. Each of the poems are featured on postcards and posters and are available for free from librarys in the North West (or if you don't live in the North West and would like one then e-mail me. More details of the project, and recordings of the poets reading the poems, are here.

My poem is part of an occasional series of poems that is emerging about living and working in the shadow of Wordsworth. It's actually the second half of a longer poem that will probably be in my next book.
Each of the poets have been engaged in a series of events in librarys. For details of mine see the Readings page.
I recently had the pleasure of taking part in the Festival of the Mind in Sheffield. At the Festival Smith Doorstop launched The Sheffield Anthology: Poems from the City Imagined, edited by Ann and Peter Sansom. I was especially pleased to be included in this since I think of Sheffield as my home city, though I haven't lived there in nearly thirty years. This event was my first experience of going there as a poet. The anthology features three poems of mine, two of which are new, and one of which is featured as this month's poem.

Next month I'm off on retreat to Hawthornden Castle for a month. My writing takes place in the nooks and crannies of the day, around a more than full-time job, so a month's writing time seems both wildly exciting and utterly terrifying. I'll let you know how I get on when I return!
'Wildly exciting and utterly terrifying' - a brilliant combination: it couldn't get any better! Have a wonderful time.
Best wishes
Po (Pauline Yarwood)
'Wildly exciting & utterly terrifying' - a brilliant combination. Couldn't get any better!
Have a wonderful time.
Best wishes
Po (Pauline Yarwood)
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